Easter At Turning Point Church

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About Our Mobile Pantry

Turning Point Church was a portable church before getting a permanent building in early 2021. This meant we no longer were using our trailer to store all of our equipment. We wanted to use it to serve our community.

In October 2021, we met with New Horizons and asked them to partner with us for a mobile pantry. They informed us that they recently had the same idea, but had no where to store the food. We decided to walk side by side to serve the Rosemary Community in Bonita Springs. On the last Saturday of each month, we provide food to help the families in that neighborhood. The mobile pantry launched on March 26, 2022.

Served as of April 2024

Why the Rosemary Community?

In 2019 we began a partnership with New Horizons. They partnered us with their tutoring location in the Rosemary Community, which is located in the heart of Bonita Springs, just outside of downtown.

As we began to learn about the community, we quickly realized there is a need for support with these families.

According to MIT in 2021, a family of 4 needs to make a minimum of $67,140 as a sustainable living wage in southwest Florida. The average family size for a New Horizons family in the Rosemary Community is six people with an average annual income of just $21,000.

This income level can be seen throughout the entire Rosemary Community. Since 2019, God has put it on our hearts to focus on the Rosemary Community. Our goal with the mobile pantry is not just to provide food, but also a reminder to each family that God is there for them and offer a time of prayer specifically for their requests.

Interested in getting connected with the mobile pantry?

Complete the form below to let us know how you would like to help. Once completed, a member of the Outreach Team will contact you to discuss the schedule.

sign up

Items Accepted:

  • Dry Black Beans
  • Dry White Rice
  • Dry Pasta
  • Maseca (found near flour in most stores)
  • Cooking Oil
  • Ketchup
  • Mayo
  • Cereal
  • Kids Snacks


If your company is looking for a way to serve the community, we would love to consider partnering with you. By signing up, your organization has the option to provide the food for the month and also help deliver the food to the families. You will be meeting the immediate needs of many people. To get more information please contact the Turning Point Church Outreach Team at mobilepantry@tpclive.org.